Articles tagged with: NBA Radio Show
NBA Radio Show »

(My radio show on 7.10.10 featured extensive analysis regarding LeBron James’ decision to leave for Miami. The following commentary is primarily an excerpt from the show’s opening commentary. The audio link to this show is here.)
Please, please … please … tell me that LeBron James did not just leave Cleveland; that the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the unfathomable did not go down this week. That I was NOT proven wrong.
It is a very unfortunate situation in Cleveland, where hometown hero LeBron James decided to end his quest to bring that city …
NBA Radio Show, Sports, Work »

The fact that I will be on the radio speaking live about the NBA this Saturday is quite an interesting development. It feels good, and also feels like the natural culmination of so many paths that inevitably should land at this collective destination. It seems I have two options: waste time being worried about something going wrong, or just go with the flow of the show and have a great time doing what I want to do.
I’ll choose the latter. Ample preparation combined with enthusiasm, good content, interviews and analysis …
NBA Radio Show, Sports, Work »

When one is trying to cover all of the social media bases available for self-promotion, it can be kind of daunting. Promoting myself is an unnatural thing for me to do, yet I have plenty of reason to do so – and it is necessary as I prepare to launch my NBA radio talk show, called At the Buzzer on Team 1380.
The show is official and will begin on Saturday, April 24th from 6pm to 7pm on Team 1380 AM in the St. Louis market. It is the only NBA-themed …