Articles in the Uncategorized Category
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Only a few days in one’s life are an obvious turning point, a defining and deeply impactful experience that you know will lead you down a new path.
When these experiences strike, you certainly hope that particular day is a fresh start rather than a dissent into a dark direction which you may not be able to escape.
Thanks to the fantastic doctors, nurses and staff at Missouri Baptist Arrhythmia Center, I’m quite confident that I will be soon returning to a normal life after going through a corrective heart procedure this …
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I recently took about a six-week hiatus from posting anything to my Facebook page, primarily because I was going through some personal difficulties which I am still dealing with to a mildly lesser extent. However, I do not post often anyway so it was not really an intentional thing, just a natural element of my prolonged social extraction.
After awhile, I noticed I was having these thoughts that after some initial contemplation seemed to unconsciously resolve into a Facebook-like snippet. I guess that is our how our minds are beginning to …
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If anyone has noticed the increasing prevalence of Blues City Deli stickers on vehicles around the St. Louis area, it can be easily explained: the place is wonderful.
While I think of BCD as a warm, inviting place where I can check out amazing musicians for free and drink hoppy beers for “keepin’-it-real” prices, it is really a combination of elements that sets this place apart from other establishments in our great city. St. Louis has a long, storied history of being a beacon that enables aspiring (or established) blues musicians …
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I really struggle with perspective on a daily basis. It is not so much a result of perpetual deep thinking or a consistent metaphysical point of view on everything. Well, sometimes that is the case, but the day-to-day mental grind I often encounter just deals with how I need to approach a given day.
It is safe, in my opinion, to assume that the majority of people over 20 years old deal with this same problem. Of course, a large segment of US society has genuine hardships, whether it is mental …