Articles Archive for September 2010
NBA Radio Show, Sports »

The last time that St. Louis had a real professional basketball team was in 1976. What a Leap Year it was! Bob Costas made his broadcasting debut in STL, the Spirits of St. Louis put their unique stamp on pro hoops history before the ABA-NBA merger, Star Wars came out, the Olympics went down in Canada, we had Jimmy Carter and Patti Hearst in the news, The Last Waltz went down, punk rock was emerging, … the beginning of Apple … and my wife was born.
A really, really, really good …
Parenting, Random, Work »

I have always existed in a state of infatuation concerning night time. I do not like mornings; I love nights. This trait has become kind of a heavy burden to carry as I move forward in life as a father and husband.
Though I love to party, my affinity for the night life is unrelated. In high school, I went to school until noon, then “worked” the rest of the day at Pizza Hut as part of a program for kids who needed to be employed. I hid from my high …
NBA Radio Show, Work »

There is certainly something to be said with regard to validating the old-timey wisdom of “Just do you what you really want do, and everything will take care of itself.”
It is a tempting path when trying to control one’s fate, and an altruistic approach to life and work. In that regard, I am abundantly fulfilled at having my own basketball radio show on the airwaves in an extremely historical, relevant and brilliant city such as St. Louis. It is pretty damn awesome.
Looking back five months ago, I may not have …