Articles tagged with: Sports
NBA Radio Show »

(My radio show on 7.10.10 featured extensive analysis regarding LeBron James’ decision to leave for Miami. The following commentary is primarily an excerpt from the show’s opening commentary. The audio link to this show is here.)
Please, please … please … tell me that LeBron James did not just leave Cleveland; that the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the unfathomable did not go down this week. That I was NOT proven wrong.
It is a very unfortunate situation in Cleveland, where hometown hero LeBron James decided to end his quest to bring that city …
NBA Radio Show, Work »

(Update on my radio show):
Over the past few years, I have made very notable strides in overcoming social anxiety issues and becoming a pretty social individual. Though not a natural thing for me, I am certainly not the same person who just four or five years ago would routinely go days without any social interaction outside of my home.
It was never a major problem, which is a good thing since I now have a live radio show! But I did tend to allow my introverted tendencies to dominate …
Sports »

I am nearing the relaxation part of my night, and am thrilled. I’m ready to dive into the usually comforting world of television after avoiding it this entire day up to now.
No matter how well the day has gone, it is always very attractive to me to check out the night’s sports before bed. I have maintained this habit for the past 20 years or so, and am not likely to give it up anytime soon. With my multi-TV and DVR setup, I do not miss anything. It is just …