Articles Archive for October 2010
NBA Radio Show, Random, Work »

If you adopt a certain point of view, it can accurately be said that we all have to sell ourselves to a degree. Even those of us who find any kind of self-promotion awkward and unnatural have to compromise at some point, whether it be for a job opening, business opportunity or just generally making a good impression to someone.
With that being said, I do not think I could be involved in sales full-time. In addition to trying to find suitable sponsors for my radio show, I am currently working …
NBA Radio Show, Parenting, Sports »

I am not prone to be melodramatic, except for when I endure a particularly painful sports defeat. But what I experienced last weekend is challenging to describe without being a little sensational.
This is a very condensed version of a lengthy tale, but that is the point of a blog post. If I decide to write a book, I’ll let you know the details. I grew up in love with playing basketball from as far back as I can remember. The fact that I was really good at it helped, but …